Home Series
Leticia's texts
→ Testimonial for the Art and New Media catalog. Sao Paulo: FAAP
→ Letícia Parente by Letícia Parente
→ General proposal of the work in video (with synopses and technical sheets)
→ Mail art: video production (report)
→ Video art - general proposal of the work (PDF, 2.6MB)
→ (Untitled) (two diagrams, PDF, 3.5MB)
→ (Untitled) (categorization of works, PDF, 6.4MB)
→ (Untitled)(about substantialism(PDF, 2.6MB)
→ Concept inexploration: substance(PDF, 900KB)
→ Concept:substance(diagram, PDF, 345KB)
→Concept in exploration: mixing(PDF, 890KB)
→Concept: mixing (diagram, PDF, 345KB)
→Quick Enunciation Test - Concept: Phase(PDF, 890KB)
→(Untitled) (about line work, manuscript, PDF, 1.8KB)
→ (Untitled) (manuscript 5/28/75, PDF, 1.8KB)
→(Untitled) (manuscript 6/19/75, PDF, 1.8KB)
→(Untitled) (manuscript 6/19/75, PDF, 1.8KB)