Home Series
1986 - 1991
1986 - Collective exhibition Projeto Vermelho / Progetto Rosso at MAB / FAAP - SP, with the work Observation.
Exercises free teaching in Epistemology of Chemistry at the University of Palermo - Italy.
1987 - He starts to run the Science Center of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Cecierj - organ linked to the State Secretariat of Science and Technology), where he develops Science Education programs and recycling of 1st and 2nd degree teachers.
Publishes with Leonelo Paoloni (Università di Palermo) the text Cristalline form and molecular structure: the phase of transition to William Barlow's addiction (1845-1934).
1990 - Publishes Bachelard and chemistry in teaching and research (Edições Universidade Federal do Ceará).
1991 - She died in Rio de Janeiro, on September 6.